The Statue of Liberty was created to celebrate "an idea - that elusive goal of universal freedom." 

The whole basis of successful democracy, it was explained, was the ability of the average person to think soundly upon public affairs. "When people cease to think responsibly and altruistically," it was argued, "then it is time for the man on horseback to appear." However it should be pointed out, "The world had always been governed by the few and always would be. The best the world could hope to do was to put the power into the hands of the better ones of the few." 

Law and civilization were said to be inseparable and religion and politics were said the supreme interests of intelligent human beings. Democracy had always been rooted in religion. Government of the people, by the people, for the people came from the New Testament. 

The New Testament had been said to be explicit in its teachings of civic duty. A good Christian and a bad citizen,  it was mentioned, cannot walk under the same hat. It was reasoned nobody could be loyal to God and disloyal to plain, everyday civic righteousness. It was also pointed out, "action and reaction are equal. It is certain that if the pendulum swings to the right, it will return toward the left."

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