The mythical number 7 played an important role throughout history: 7 colors of the rainbow; 7 wonders of the ancient world; 7 days of the week, 7 heavens and the 7 Seas (previously classified as the Mediterranean Sea (1); the Adriatic Sea (2); the Black Sea (3); the Red Sea (4); the Arabian Sea (5); the Persian Gulf (6); and the Caspian Sea (7)). 

The evolution of life on earth was said started in the water. Some 365 million years ago, man's first amphibian ancestors, described as fish-like (or water-breathing) creatures evolved into land-living animals. Anthropoid evolved into modern man. 

"Since land-dwelling species have a limited water supply, invasion of land in the course of evolution appears to have necessitated the conversion of ammonia to a nontoxic end product. Ability to synthesize area is thought to have played a role in the evolutionary advancement from life in water to life on land. Other factors were of course involved," it was explained.

By 1979, one caretaker of the earth sounded a warning, "Every time another species of animal or plant disappears from the earth, the environment loses some fraction of the complexity necessary to its stability. If the present rate of extinctions continues, it is conceivable that one day the earth will no longer be habitable for humans. More than 40% of modern drugs derive from plants, microbes and animals. These include painkillers, cardiac and respiratory stimulants, blood-pressure boosters, pupil-dilators, muscles relaxants, local anesthetics, tumor inhibitors and anti-leukemia drugs...The ultimate cure for cancer could be locked up in a plant as yet undiscovered." 

It was pointed out, "It is natural selection in evolution when a species can no longer compete in its natural environment. Man is an unnatural competitor. He has vastly accelerated natural extinctions, and species now disappear faster than new ones evolve. In prehistoric times one disappeared every 1000 years, now one every year. More than half of the species extinctions of the last 2000 years occurred in the last 78 (years)."

"If a new highway is going to endanger a rare species, we can re-route the hightway. With tradeoffs, we might not have the best of both worlds but we'll have both worlds." As Sir Thomas More mentioned in Robert Bolt's 1960 play, 'A Man For All Seasons', "The law, Roper, the law. I know what's legal, not what's right. And I'll stick to what's legal...I’m not God. The currents and eddies of right and wrong, which you find such plain-sailing, I can’t navigate...Yes, I’d give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety's sake."

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