"Within 10 years," Jeane Dixon made the forecast in 1968, "the 2-party system will vanish." Jeane reiterated in 1980, "I didn't mean to set a firm deadline. But what I predicted about the 2-party system is under way now (in 1980)." 

According to the 1965 book, 'A Gift Of Prophecy', Jeane had a vision of "a blue-eyed Democratic President elected in 1960". However "dark cloud spread" suggesting he would die in office. Jeane said she saw the White House and the numerals "1960" in her vision. In December 1960, Jack Kennedy was elected President of the United States. 303 of 537 state electors of the Electoral College voted for Jack. He only needed 269 electoral votes to win office. In the November 9, 1960 election results, over 68 million Americans voted, with Jack winning 34,120,496 popular votes. But it was the electoral votes that mattered most under the Constitution. 

Jack began his 4-year term on January 20, 1961. As early as January 1963, Jack already started devising re-election strategy for his 1964 presidential campaign. It was explained, "He needs an additional 4 years to achieve a more firmly rooted peace (nuclear war/Soviet expansion) and a more rapidly developing economy – to translate the gains of his first term into the achievement of 'our national purpose.'" Anticipating he would have to fight for a second term, Jack knew he would need the support of "affluent Democrats toward acquiring a huge election-year war chest".

Jack Kennedy was the 7th and last U.S. President to experience the "Fatal 20" curse - a curse which saw all presidents elected in a year ending with the number "0" (also known as the Zero Factor) and elected in a year evenly divisible by 20 died while serving in office. 

1. 1840 William Henry Harrison

2. 1860 Abraham Lincoln
3. 1880 James Garfield

4. 1900 William McKinley

5. 1920 Warren Harding

6. 1940 Franklin D Roosevelt

7. 1960 Jack Kennedy 

Speaking to Don Boxmeyer of Knight News Service in 1980, Jeane Dixon told the world, "I actually knew it as early as 1952. I even knew part of the killer's name – what was his name? Yes, Oswald – because I could see several letters of his last name. I knew the importance of that prophecy and I tried very hard to get the President to not go to Dallas." 

Don wondered if Jeane could have changed history? Jeane was matter-of-fact, "You bet your life I could have! If my warnings would be heeded, of course I could have changed the course of history." However a prophecy "is the word of God. What will happen will happen; the will of humanity cannot change that. Predictions, or forecasts, are merely peeks into the plans of man, like Watergate." 

It was not made clear whether it was God's intention for Jack to become the most popular President ever. The Gallup public opinion polls consistently showed Jack's massive popularity rating, peaking at 79% which at one time forcing Jack to concede, "If I were still 79% after a very intense congressional session, I would feel that I had not met my responsibilities." 

In his first 20 days in office, Jack showed "a middle-of-the-road administration, more liberal than conservative" but opposing extremes. Before taking office, observers suspected "the Kennedy administration will, through sheer political necessity and force of circumstances, be required to follow a middle-of-the-road policy, toward which the voters of the country seem to have been (leaning toward) for several years now." It was understood "middle-of-the-road" voters were the "independent" voters. 

In November 1962, the entire House of Representatives and 39 senators (5 occupying unexpired terms) stood for re-election (also known as mid-term elections). When Jack took office, there were 263 Democrats and 174 Republicans in the House of Representatives and 64 Democrats and 36 Republicans in the Senate. On paper, it would appear there was "a working majority for the President." (263 plus 174 and 64 plus 36 equaled the 537 state electors)  

However because of the "divisions within the parties" as well as the "built-in delays and obstructions (also referred to as "road-blocking") of a system of divided powers within the government written into the Constitution", Jack found his key bills being blocked instead of the Senate voting on them and the House passing those legislations. Some bills saw conservative Democrats joining with the Republicans to block. Those key bills included health assistance for the aged, the farm bill, the proposal for a Department of Urban Affairs, the general education bill and the Trade Expansion Act. The Trade Expansion Act allowed "the President with authority to negotiate reciprocal reductions of tariffs on a broad range of products. It would affect the future relations between the American producer and the European Common Market."

In his first year, a recession ended. In the first 2 years of his presidency, Jack faced Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev "across the abyss of nuclear war 3 times – over Laos, Berlin and Cuba (*). Each time war was averted by a display of U.S. strength and Russia's refusal to challenge it."

(*) Jeane believed "Fidel Castro's days were numbered" and in 1968, said  he would soon "pass from the scene." However Jeane clarified in 1980, "The time is not yet ripe. But it will happen. What is hanging over him is hanging over him, hanging right over him." 

In the 3rd year of Jack's first term, one of the most objective and knowledgeable of political commentators on Capitol Hill made the comment, "He has used the techniques of leadership available to him as well as they could be used; what we are seeing is the senescence (Latin word meaning 'to grow old') of representative government here (in the U.S.) and in almost every democracy." 1960 marked the birth of the New Frontier.

Marquis Childs pointed out, "He is cool, cautious, inclined to play the game of politics by maneuver and bargain. His intellect is a reflection of his temperament. He has accompanied proposals sent to Congress with eloquent messages on the need for change."

Jack Kennedy was the first U.S. President born in the 20th century. It was noted during his 1000 days in office, Jack only gave 64 press conferences compared with Dwight D Eisenhower (1953-1961) who gave 192 press conferences; Harry S Truman (1945-1953) gave 324 press conferences; and Franklin D Roosevelt (1933-1945) gave 990 press conferences.

Jeane told Don, "I tried to get him (Edward Kennedy) not to run in 1980. It is not his year. He should wait until 1984. I picked up the vibrations before Chappaquiddick and I told Joan Kennedy not to let him go on any boating trips, that it was dangerous water and that there were vibrations that could change the course of his life – a tragedy that would change his life.

"If Ted Kennedy is not careful, he could go the same way his brothers did. I don't know how to say it, but his life is in danger even at this very moment (April 1980). The Lord is not going to put him in the White House. I am not ruling out 1984, but then he would not be President for very long. Someway, somehow, it is just not to be…" Jack Kennedy was the first Roman Catholic to be elected to the United States' highest office.

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