Back in 1915, the National Geographic Society reminded the public, "It is interesting to go back and follow her (Europe) down through the centuries that mark the waving and waning of the Crescent (Ottoman Empire; began in 1299) in southeastern Europe. In 1190 the map of Europe was vastly different from what it is today (in 1915). Practically all of what is now (in 1915) Greece and European Turkey was then the Eastern Roman Empire. Constantinople was its capital, and it was in control of the Dardabelles and the Bosporus as much as Turkey has been recently (in 1915). Russia at that time did not approach nearer the Black Sea than 150 miles . . . 

"With a foothold in Europe (in 1369), the Turks realized that they could maintain it only by a process of expansion. And European politics at that time, just as in all the centuries that have succeed until now (in 1915), prevented Christian Europe from uniting against Mohammedan Turkey. But the several countries of Europe were too busy with their own particular affairs and too jealous of one another to unite in checking the Ottoman invasion. The result was that by the middle of the 16th century (under Suleyman the Magnificent rule 1520-1566) Turkey included all of the Balkan Peninsula, Greece, Moldavia, Transylvania, Bosnia, Herzegovina and that part of Hungary east of a line drawn north and south half way between Budapest and Vienna." 

In August 1990, Iraq annexed Kuwait (meaning "little fortress" in Arabic). The invasion of Kuwait culminated in the 100 hours Operation Desert Storm battle (also known as the "Mother of all battles") in January 1991. At the time, RIS news prompted readers, "The Ottoman Empire was an Islamic Empire carved out by Turkish tribes from Anatolia in the 13th century (back in July 1299). At its height, the Ottoman Empire controlled an area that included what is now (in 1990) Algeria, Albania, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Egypt, Greece, Israel, Lebanon, Libya, Romania, Tunisia, (the then) Yugoslavia and parts of the Arabian Peninsula. 

"The Russo-Turkish war (or Turco-Russian war) led to the disintegration of the Empire in Europe in the 19th century (the European Settlement took place in 1878 arranged by the Berlin Congress, called the Treaty of San Stefano). The Balkan wars of 1912-1913 saw the Ottomans expelled from Europe. After World War I (1914-1918), France and Britain divided between them what remained of the Empire. The 2 powers encouraged Arab nationalism which resulted in the births of new states such as Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq. A Jewish homeland was also promised ("the Promised Land") and has been a thorny issue that led to several wars between Arab states and Israel (such as the 1948 Arab-Israeli war; the Six-Day war in 1967; and the Yom Kippur (or Day of Atonement) war in 1973). 

"The discovery of huge reserves of oil in the Gulf (in 1908) emphasized the area's strategic and economic prominence. This was proven in the Arab oil embargo in the early '70s (1973-1974). Until the Iraqi invasion (in 1990), Kuwait was a flourishing oil state having gained independence from Great Britain in 1961. The Middle East is no stranger to turmoil and has been for centuries (dating back to the Bronze Age 3100BC) a cauldron for volatile economic, political and religious forces. The interplay of delicate and complex agents has and will continue to shape the map of the Middle East." 

Poland became a nation in 965. As pointed out, Poland for which World War II was started, was the subject of 3 partitions between the then Prussia, Austria and Russia: in 1772, in 1793 and in 1795. After World War I, the new Poland was created with the Treaty of Versailles, until Adolf Hitler demanded Danzig (east Prussia) back. 

Believing the Nazis would win the war (World War II), Werner Daitz of the Society for European Economic Planning and the chief of Grossraum (Great Area) economics of The Third Reich outlined his plan to rule the world. The plan was published in his book, 'Europas Wirtschaftsfreiheit' (translation: 'Economic Freedom of Europe'), released in October 1941 as part of the 'Das neue Europa' (translation: 'The New Europe') series. 

Werner Daitz argued the "fundamental importance" of the book because it would to be "the first successful attempt to portray the operation of economic and vital forces within a European Grossraum economy." Using Teutonic statistics, Werner Daitz would rebuild the world into 6 "Lebensraum" (translation: "living space"): the European region (size about 9% of the whole planet) would have a population of about 530 million people (or 26.6% of the world population); the East Asiatic 560 millions, the Indo-Malay 520 millions, the African 160 millions, the North American 185 millions, and the South American about 95 millions. 

'The Yorkshire Post' noted 'Europas Wirtschaftsfreiheit' stated in a European world, "the (Nazis) are to have complete control over production, transport and credit facilities. The Nazis don’t want even the tradition of heavy industry, mechanical engineering and chemical research to survive outside (their country)." Great Britain and European Russia would be absorbed into the European "Lebensraum" and the rest of Russia into the East Asiatic. Soviet Russia in its present form (in 1941) would accordingly cease to exist (or losing all independence). 

The 7 goals Werner Daitz planned to pursue should the Nazis win World War II were:

1. An economic federation of Europe

It was understood "acting together in accordance with a well-conceived plan" would achieve a better outcome in world economy than pursuing "destructively competitive nationalistic policies."

2. Inclusion of Great Britain and European Russia in the Continental economic system

The Third Reich claimed Anglo-Saxon worldwide capitalism (or economic power) had a harmful influence in their country's economy and pointed out that an Economic Federation would have been possible had it not been for the veto imposed by Great Britain. Hence Werner Daitz encouraged Europe to federate (all states united) so her economic position would strengthen. It was mentioned Reparations imposed by the Treaty of Versailles were designed to compel Europe to export without equivalent import, thus perpetuating the dependence of Europe on countries overseas. However once Europe was freed to federate, trade would follow quite different paths. 

3. Breaking up the British Empire 

As reported Werner Daitz provided for an economic set-up by which the Nazis alone will own and operate all key armament industries to prevent conquered countries ever again from rising in armed rebellion against the Nazis.

4. Breaking up the Anglo-Saxon capitalist system

The Nazis would establish the German mark as the basis for commerce in Europe. And it would put all credit operations on the continent under the control of Berlin. Though she had only 26.6% of the world's population, Europe produced 50.6% of the world's food. Therefore import of coal, lignite, iron, aluminium, magnesium, and timber would fall because of home production mineral oils and synthetic industries from scientific development of countries like Romania, Russia (raw cotton production), the Balkans and Caucasus (coal-hydrogenation).

5. Intensification of European food and rawstuff production on scientific lines

The Nazi-dominated Europe would concentrate all its energies on decreasing dependence on overseas for vegetable oils and fats, fodder, non-ferrous ores, textile fibres, mineral oil, and rubber. By growing oil-bearing crops, above all soya beans, where soil and climate were suitable, enough edible fats and fodder could be raised, while natural textile fibres would be obtainable from flax, perilla, saflor, and similar crops, supplemented by increasing outputs of Russian cotton.

6. Substitution of synthetic raw materials for imported rawstuffs where the European production of natural materials is not sufficient.

It was made known research in light metal alloys would make it possible to replace or supplement home supplies of non-ferrous metals by aluminium and magnesium. Werner Daitz conceded that synthetics would likely to cost more than natural materials imported from overseas. However he reasoned that the "attainment of economic freedom must not be hampered by regard for world-market prices (and the future of synthetics)."

7. Exclusive control over all Africa for a large-scale development of all natural resources

Should the Nazis won the war, the Nazi-dominated Europe would be dependent on other "Lebensraume" for certain economic essentials because no part of Europe had a tropical climate. Werner Daitz was adamant that everything the Nazi-dominated Europe required to import from abroad could be produced in Africa, since the continent was "the natural adjunct to Europe." 

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