Charles Borden described hypnosis in 1977 as "a method of effectively reaching and controlling the unconscious mind." Charles explained, "The unconscious mind is a reservoir of strength that can be influenced with your consent. The average brain weighs about 3 pounds. Unconscious activity encompasses 90% of the mass of the brain. By utilizing hypnosis, which is a scientific method of influencing that particular body, we can control so much. 

"So much, I believe, that the superman of the future will not be someone who is physically developed to some tremendous degree, but the individual whose mind has totally developed so that we can control all our faculties. Both conscious and subconscious, both voluntary and involuntary, control pain, control how we feel about things, eliminate stress and anxieties, influencing our bodies. That, to me, will be the superhuman being of the future."

Hypnosis was said to have been used as long as 5000 years ago. Hypnosis came from the word Hypnos, the Greek god for sleep. "Every religion known to man uses trance states. They use chanting, they use repetition. All of those things are designed to put people into trance states. Meditation involves trance states. Any intense concentration involves a trance state," psychologist Joe M. Persinger, Ph.D. pointed out. "Many people think of hypnosis as magic – they want to go to a therapist and get a quick fix for all their problems. Hypnosis is a powerful tool, but it's not magic," practitioner Stephen Schweitzer added. He told Randi Bjornstad of 'The Register-Guard' in 1989, "It can't do a lot of things people would like it to do. Hypnotherapists don't just put people into a trance and solve all their problems."

Charles Borden continued, "My practice in hypnosis has specialized in pain for a long while. Certainly we do a great deal of work with obesity and things of that sort, but pain – even the pain of terminal cancer – is many times controlled with hypnosis and no drugs. Anyone who can enter a medium to deep level of hypnosis, and that would account for over 80% of all people, can learn to ease pain without drugs. The technique is quite simple. 

"Localized analgesia is created by hypnosis to numb the pain site. Nerves are relaxed and, through self-hypnosis, tension is reduced. Physicians in modern society are prescribing hypnosis rather than drugs to overcome pain, prescribing hypnosis rather than diet pills to overcome obesity. The mind is being recognized as a control factor in our lives. The subconscious is really just that. It is thought by experts that in the future the subconscious mind will control disease to a great degree changing glandular functions, changing many things that we never thought could be controlled."

Jose Silva developed Alphagenics in 1949. He argued, "We all have a tremendous computer in our head. The trouble is most people don't know how to use it. We make use of only one-fourth of our brainpower." Jose believed, "The discovery that human intelligence can learn to function with awareness at previously unused frequencies will go down in history as the greatest discovery of man."

Back in 1975, Bjorn Francis, a mind control instructor, told Jill Amadio of 'The Lakeland Ledger', "Meditation is an end in itself; mind control helps a person use his inner resources to control his health, happiness and behavior patterns. Your brain is like a wild horse – it needs to be harnessed. Otherwise it goes off on all kinds of directions. But you can learn to discipline it, and it can even be fooled! For instance, when practicing mind control, you can tell your brain and body it has had 9 hours' sleep, when in actual fact you have only been asleep 4 hours. 

"You can tell your cells that they will never be subject to diseases. You can break lifelong habits, program out illnesses and even ensure you will never have cancer. We all have a 6th sense, though most of us are only aware of 5 – sight, smell, touch, taste and sound. We are not aware that another sense is the most important of all. It has variously been known as 'a hunch', or 'feminine intuition'. What (Jose) Silva teaches us to do is bring out and train this 6th sense so it can be used at will rather than as a wild guess, so we don't sit around and wait for inspiration to hit – we can get inspiration on demand if we learn the technique."

On reflection, Rosemarie Eisenberg remarked, "It's hard to describe just what hypnosis is. I would say it is simply getting into a relaxed state in which the mind is more receptive to ideas and connections. It is not a state of unconsciousness; it's a state of being focused and open. The process itself feels good. I see hypnosis as a learning tool you can keep with you the rest of your life, to help you keep in touch with your own inner strength."

Herbert Spiegel stated back in 1980, "Modern medicine puts such extreme emphasis on high technology and drugs that it often overlooks the oldest, and at times the most effective, therapeutic instrument that humans possesses – the mind. Hypnosis – which accomplishes alterations in human awareness – is a great way to very directly and quickly get people to alter pain."

Psychotherapist Dr. Steve Curry clarified, "Hypnosis primarily involves a state of intense concentration on one particular process, and in the state of hypnosis individuals are able to accomplish certain tasks much more easily than in the waking state. When hypnosis is used therapeutically, individuals are not asleep. They are aware of what they are doing, and they are extremely comfortable and relaxed. Individual respond to hypnosis after allowing themselves to experience the hypnotic state and respond to the suggestions."

Hypnotherapist Leonard Chenette maintained, "Hypnosis won't make you do subconsciously what you wouldn't ordinarily do in a conscious state." Steve Curry also told reporter Sebreaba Domingue, "Hypnosis has been around a long time. The phenomenon was used all through the century. Contrary to the myth, people that are easily led and aren't too bright are not good candidates for hypnosis." It was understood "patients with good imaginations, intelligence and the ability to concentrate make good candidates for hypnosis."

'The New York Times' also reported in 1980, "Probably the most common medical use of hypnosis is in controlling pain – the pain of cancer, arthritis, backaches, childbirth, dental work and even major surgery. As a pain reliever, hypnosis has an advantage over drugs in that it is free of side effects and can be used over and over again without hazard."

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