In March 1993, 'The Ithaca Journal' asked its readers whether beings from another planet had made contact with humans. Arthur Norton acknowledged, "I'm sure that beings from another planet have made contact with humans. I myself have seen them and people I know have talks with them, not at lengths, but short conversations, so I’m pretty sure beings from another planet have made contact with the human race. I'm convinced of this."

John Mikloski made known, "Not only have beings from another planet made contact with humans they have also brought and released certain animals among us. They have also adopted our human form and actually live among us as part of the human race." Dan Sullivan added, "Speaking from my experiences I would have to say definitely. I've notice strange occurences that can't be explained. At night I look up at the stars and get the errie feeling someone is watching me. I'm sure there are people out there."

Based on ancient writings, Zecharia Sitchin's 'The 12th Planet' hit the bookstores in 1976. It was revealed some 450,000 years before nefilim (as described in the book of Genesis) from the 12th planet of Marduk arrived on Earth and stayed for some 300,000 years. It took 365 days or 12 months for Earth to orbit the sun. However it was understood it took Marduk 3,600 Earth years to make its orbit of the sun.

Visitors from Marduk landed in Mesopotamia (present day Iraq) because it was the ideal location to set up their bases in the Ice Age. The nefilims were on Earth in search of gold in southeast Africa because their advanced electronic civilization required metals that were highly electro-conductive as well as metals that were light and heat resistant.

These god-like aliens created and bred homo sapiens through artificial insemination to work for them in the mines. The homo sapiens soon developed the ability to procreate and as understood, homo sapiens eventually outnumbered the nefilims. The nefilims fled upon learning that a great flood was coming from the Polar caps (similar to that described in Genesis 6).

"The answer is that life did not evolve naturally on Earth; it was brought here from elsewhere, the result of a mighty collision in space from which Earth was born," Zecharia Sitchin emphasized. Visitors from Marduk may return back to Earth in roughly 1,500 years (around the year 3470). In 1973, Dr. Nicholas V. Strick, the professor of archeology at the University of Pennsylvania spoke to Anne Graham, "These early cave paintings, depicting rocket ships piloted by men, have given rise to speculation that visitors from another planet visited Earth in prehistoric times – then probably returned to where they came from.

"In fact, I've recently (back in the early 1970s) read several articles on the subject in science magazines. Personally, I don’t think prehistoric man was visited by beings from another planet, I prefer to think that man always wanted to aim for the sky. Even in prehistoric times, he had a vague idea how to go about it. Geniuses like Leonardo da Vinci are always far ahead of their time. It's men like da Vinci who keep prodding mankind to progress a little faster.

"da Vinci, like some of the more astute cave painters, was able to productively leash his imaginative qualities. For the age in which he lived, I think da Vinci came up with some fantastic ideas. But I don't think his basic gene structure was any different than anyone else's. da Vinci was a brilliant human product of the planet Earth. Interestingly, most of us think that our present day scientific accomplishments are vast. But science has usually lost as much as it's gained throughout the ages.

"The ancient Chinese, Egyptians and Greeks, to mention a few, were pretty astute. Today (in 1973) we have no way of knowing how far these civilizations actually advanced. Wars, pestilences and centuries of darkness have managed to heavily shroud these cultures. By analyzing the knowledge that has drizzled down to us through the ages, we at least know these people were very highly advanced.

"Men like Leonardo da Vinci – men of great ability – were always around. Such men were capable of spanning the chasm between civilizations. Still, it could be that we're not that far ahead today. It could be that we’re just starting to catch up with ourselves, though now I’m throwing out conjectures, and I sound very much like a romantic myself. Man, through his own initiative, will eventually venture to the farthest depths of the universe – if, of course, he keeps up his current rate of achievement.

"Men like L'Encente and DuVal probably would like to think that man will some day find that planet which belonged to his prehistoric spacemen ancestors. I think we'll continue to discover what we have so far. Mainly, we're it. If we want a new frontier, and outer space territories, we'll have to do the taking and the building on our own – as usual."

Professor Emile L'Encente of the University of Paris begged to differ, "I believe man was visited by beings from another planet. Further, I believe this happened at an early time in our history when man could only record his events by means of crude cave paintings – such as the ones we find at Lascaux. Of course you find in me a man much interested in both science and science fiction. I constantly see a blend of the scientific and the fictional.

"What is today's (in 1973) fiction frequently becomes tomorrow's science. It's my belief – or hypothesis, if you will, that members of a race of men very similar to our own visited this planet thousands of years ago when our earthly ancestors were barely evolving out of the ape stage. Exactly what happened to this group of space visitors is a matter for conjecture.

"They could either have gone back to their own planet, or they might not have been able to get their rocket ships out of the Earth's gravitational belt. This would mean they would have had to stay here – a possibility which might explain man's rather rapid evolution from the semi-animal state to intelligent human form. Whatever the case, these early cave paintings showing rocket ships and spacemen have to have had a basis.

"I do not think pre-historic man, whose IQ was considerably lower than what today (in 1973) would be classed as 'barely normal', could have created these cave paintings simply by using his imagination. Most of the drawings depict simple daily events – hunting, dancing, birthing children and burying the dead. Early man was incapable of conjuring up what I call a 'Jules Verne' situation, unless that situation was an actual part of his experience."

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