The subject of alchemy was explored in the episode 'Diana's Disappearing Act' on the TV series, 'Wonder Woman' first went on air in February 1978. CBS also reran the episode in June of that year. Written by S.S. Schweitzer and directed by Mike Caffey, Dick Gautier played Count Cagliostro, a descendent of a family known for swindling and magic whom Wonder Woman had dealt with dating back to 1743. 

Count Cagliostro had invented a machine that could turn base metal into precious gold which he intended to sell to His Highness, the Emir of (the make believe) Quiana and other Head of States of oil producing nations at less than half the current (1977-78) market price. To raise the $10 million down payment to deposit into Count Cagliostro's Swiss bank account in Zurich, the Emir (played by Aharon Ipale) and other Head of States of oil producing nations must increase the price of oil. In doing so, their price demand threatened to jeopardize the world economy. 

In one scene, Count Cagliostro reminded, "Let your avarice (greed) be your guide." In another, Steve Trevor, Jr., the lieutenant colonel, countered, "You only get what you pay for." Nimbler learnt what the swindling magician Count Cagliostro was up to sent Diana Prince a gold pendant that was bought at a store which had never been a jewelery store but a magic store. In one scene, the amateur magician Harold Farnum played by Ed Begley, Jr. said, "Merchandise here is competitively priced. Not too high, not too low." 

The gold locket Diana wore on a chain around her neck eventually changed back into lead - after about two days. Allen Williams played metallurgist, the Nobel-prize winning scientist Dr Hutchins. He had uncovered the truth after going over test results conducted on the gold pendant. Peter De Paula and Kathlyn played the mime artists performing magic tricks in front of the students outside Dr. Hutchins' lab. J.A. Preston played the magician Jazreel, who was involved in a rooftop chase with Wonder Woman.

In the end, Wonder Woman saved the world from an oil crisis. For Count Cagliostro's last hurrah - disappearing in a puff of smoke, "So Wonder Woman, you've returned to thwart the Cagliostro's as you have for centuries. But this time you shall lose. No Wonder Woman! I am not my father, nor any of my ancestors. This is one Cagliostro who shall escape you."

To stay in shape for the role of Wonder Woman, Lynda Carter, then 28, told 'Diet & Exercise', 'Beauty Guide', 'Image' and 'Weight Watchers', "I do every kind of physical exercise you can think of. I run a mile and a half a day. I work with light weights. I do 250 leg lifts in the morning. I ride a stationary bike and do stretches. I play tennis, squats. I even do glides - where you take those little barbells and you lay down and bring them up and back down again.

"If I do something everyday, I feel good. If I've been laying around all day and haven't done anything ... boy, my energy level is way down! Exercise is very important to me and I really work at it. I always exercise every day, usually first thing in the morning. I have a regular program that I've worked out using hand weights. I usually spend some time during the day horseback riding … I just try to do something everyday. Sometimes I do everything. I stretch everyday. A lot of ballet stretching and that sort of thing. Then I feel good the rest of the day. But if I did everything, all of it, it would take my whole day!"

Her poster was the second best-selling next to Farrah Fawcett's in 1978. Lynda Carter told fans, "If I happen to be on location where there's an Olympic-sized pool available, I can do 500 laps. My feeling is that half of any exercise is concentration. When I jog, I really concentrate on flexing my tushy muscles instead of simply going through the motions. When you start running, I know the first 3 days are grueling, but by the 4th day you start feeling good. Exercise has really changed my state of mind. And, when your body feels good, your mind feels good and your spirit feels good.

"If you have to lose 10 pounds. instead of trying to lose them all in one week, lose 2 or 3 pounds in a week and maintain that weight. Make the changes slowly and live with them. Exercise is something that you have to work at continually. I change my exercise pattern constantly. I will do more or different kinds of exercise depending on my needs at the time. But it's not a one-time event - I exercise every day."

At that time, Lynda Carter informed she skipped breakfast or lunch and just ate dinner by 5 o'clock but she "never, ever eats sweets. Once I start eating candy, I crave it every day, so the only way for me is to do without." Lynda stated she watched her cholesterol intake, careful of nitrates and avoided convenience foods and microwave cooking.

"I think your eating habits are established when you're young and I'm thankful that my diet included lots of salads and fresh vegetables. We ate little fried foods and not much meat. (Lynda avoided red meat). I try to eat a lot of vegetables, take vitamins, I try to eat as much roughage as I can. I try to trick myself. I have tricks so that I don't eat too much. Like leaving a little something on my plate ... so I can't ask for seconds ... because I've got them! If I'm hungry for some Doritos, I go and get a bowl of radishes and chomp on those ... and I'm perfectly satisfied. I also eat something with lettuce, cucumbers and yogurt and salt & pepper. It's great and crunchy too. It's good for you."

When working on the road, Lynda made known, "I order a lot of appetizers! Soup and salad or oysters rockefeller or something like that. I don't order entrees and won't eat potatoes. But I do like to order three appetizers! Mexican food is my downfall. It's my one thing I could just eat all day! Exercise doesn't help you lose weight. If you're perspiring and using a certain amount of calories, yes. But I just stop eating. It's a lot easier to firm up when you're thin than to firm up when you're not thin.

"If you're the right weight and you want to firm up, it's a lot easier. If you're carrying about 10 extra pounds and you're doing leg lifts, I'll tell you, that 10 extra pounds will really make it seem like there's a ball on your leg! When you feel like you'll just die without a candy bar, I've discovered that it's a good idea to wait as long as you can and get busy with something else. When I feel that I absolutely must eat a rich dessert, I have it in a restaurant. Eating a dessert in public keeps me from having doubles because of social awareness.

"I don't think grandmother's cooking was the major factor in my weight gain (growing up), although Mexican food is something I have to be cautious of now. My mother never had to beg me to eat vegetables because I've always liked them. I'm sort of vegetarian. I've never liked most fried things, and I'd rather eat a raw potato than a creamed one!" Lynda also confessed to feeling vulnerable, "For example, I could sit in front of the television set and eat a bowl of potato chips. Greek olives could become another obsession."

"To refresh myself, I go back to my old reliable - cold water. I'll take a cold shower and it perks me right up, no matter how tired I am. I also take cat naps. If I sleep for just 15 minutes, I'm totally refreshed. I have to wash my hair every day. My hair is fine and it has to be washed every day to give it body, or else it looks limp and skinny. I like to alternate shampoos.

"I use a clear henna on my hair to condition it and to give it extra body. The henna has a tendency to dry my hair, though, so I use it only once a week. I always start off with warm water and always rinse with cold water. The same is true whether I'm washing my hair or taking a shower. After I take a hot shower and wash my hair, I turn the water to as cold as I can take it. This cold rinse closes my pores, leaves my skin tingly and hair shiny."

Lynda handled everyday stress at the time by "driving. During the day, I'll take a drive in my Porsche with the top down. It helps me to unwind. I also read, usually projects that I'm considering working on, newspapers, periodicals, and the Bible. I know a lot about makeup. I've experimented with different concoctions, so I know what's good for my skin and how to use it. I spend so many hours a day getting poked and prodded by makeup people on the set. I prefer to do my own egg facials when I can." 

"Usually when I go on vacation, I'll put on some weight. So what I do to lose it is to just stop eating. I'll just drink water with lemon in it - I'll drink about two gallons a day. I keep a pitcher of water handy at all times. It really helps to ease my appetite and also it's great for the complexion. It helps keep it clear. I've always been conscious of treating the body respectfully - whether it's getting enough exercise, or eating the right things ever since I can remember.

"Keeping the system purified from the inside out is certainly as important to good skin care as washing your face frequently with cold water. Another thing I swear by is aloe vera. If I cut myself, or burn myself, I put on some of aloe vera's juices, enzymes, or whatever they're called directly on the injured area and it heals unbelievably fast. And there are no scar, either." 

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