Dirk Benedict who starred in the 1973 movie, 'Sssssss', played Starbuck in the 1978 TV series, 'Battlestar Galactica'. "Everywhere in the world I go," he said on reflection, "I'm recognized, yet I haven't had as big career as many actors, being in as many films and TV series. Some actors just go on and on doing show after show. I'm really only known for 2....'Battlestar Galactica' and 'The A-Team.'"

"'Battlestar Galactica,'" producer Glen A. Larson insisted from the outset, "is probably the biggest science fiction project ever mounted for television."

"At the time," Richard Hatch recalled in 1993, "we were the highest-rated science fiction show in the history of network television."

Battlestar Galactica was a space city populated by people from the planet Kobol who were searching for Earth after 12 of the exisiting 13 planets had been destroyed by war. "It ties in with Genesis," Glen believed. "It’s Exodus."

"These people could be our ancestors," Lorne Greene expressed. He played the Chief of the "Quorum of 12" which represented the 12 colonies of man in space. "So much science fiction is the opposite," Glen pointed out. "people leaving a devastated Earth searching for other homes."

Richard remarked, "'Battlestar' had a unique vision. Everybody has always wondered where mankind came from. Are there ancestors that evolved here and left to seed other galaxies? Were we seeded, or did we hail from other places in space? 'Battlestar' raised a lot of those issues and I think, touched a very deep nerve in the public mind, just like 'Star Wars': Who are we, what are we and why are we?"

Thirty years before 'Battlestar Galactica' began, the Biblical "Promised Land" of Israel in Palestine was reclaimed by the Jewish people, marking their return from the wilderness after close to 2000 years in exile.

Ancient Israel life was said revolved around the great Temple in Jerusalem - the capital city of Palestine which was seven miles north from where Christ was born and home to the world's 3 faiths: Jewish, Christian and Moslem.

In 68A.D, the ancient State of Israel fell to the Roman Empire. The fall of the Temple in Jerusalem marked the end of the ancient Jewish State. The establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 had been described as "the struggle for the fulfilment of the dream of generations."

In Biblical times, the ancient Holy Land was fought for by Assyrians, Babylonians and the Roman Empire. T.E. Lawrence (also known as Lawrence of Arabia) wrote in 1909, "It is such a comfort to know that (Palestine) was not a bit like this in the time of Our Lord."

Sir George Adams Smith argued, "The Holy Land has never belonged to one nation and probably never will.”

Sir Winston Churchill initiated the Balfour Declaration after World War I which had the backing of the League of Nations to set up the Jewish nation. The State of Israel was finally realized after World War II.

Dirk Benedict described his character on 'Battlestar Galactica', "Starbuck lives for today....Starbuck is real to me since he's scared like everybody else. Yet he's a hero because he refuses to be intimidated no matter how bad things get."

Of 'Battlestar Galactica', Glen maintained, "...It's an interesting concept to talk about those frontiers of space in terms of the people and not just philosophical concepts. I think there should be interesting probes into all kinds of philosophies but I also believe interesting people stories could be wonderful, too."

Anne Lockhart played the part of Lieutenant Sheba. She recounted in 1998, "....She was such an interesting and complex person. I would love to explore where she's been in the ensuing 20 years....

"I think they were moving towards expanding the relationship between Sheba and Apollo when we were canceled; I don't know how permanent it would have become because we never got anywhere beyond the kiss in the last episode."

Anne also made the observation, "The relationship with Apollo was so funny because we were instantly like oil and water and that conflict was the over-layer to the attraction underneath, which was great fun to play. I liked her directness, yet I also liked the fact that she was awkward with her emotions - she had great strong emotions, but it was hard for her to express them."

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