The theme song of the 1975 movie 'Mahogany' ('Do You Know Where You're Going To') by Diana Ross topped the Billboard chart in January 1976.

On the big screen, 'Westworld' sequel, 'Futureworld' was shown. In 1973, moviegoers were treated to 3 vacation resorts Westworld, Romanworld and Medievalworld. In 1976 it was 'Futureworld'. Blythe Danner co-starred.

1976 marked the 200th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence in United States. It also marked the 100th anniversary of the Bulgarian Horrors and the 60th anniversary of 1916, the last year of old Europe. World War I had, by 1916, it was said became a War Of Attrition which as a result started inflation.

In 1976, the Worldwatch Institute of Washington D.C released its paper predicting the world population would reach 12 billion by the year 2030. In 1975, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) held a conference in Paris to discuss privacy and Big Brother. One delegate who attended the conference told listeners, "It is approximately 10 years before George Orwell's famous (1949) book ‘1984’ comes up on our calendars.

"If we move ahead with vigor and insight in the drafting of regulations in all advanced nations, we should be able to say when 1984 arrives not, with regret, how terribly prophetic Orwell was but to note with satisfaction that Western societies had the wisdom and made the commitment to avoid the abyss."

"Innovations in computers," it was said, "have sharpened public awareness of the human value 'privacy.'"

Also Sunday (holy day), March 21 1976, marked the start of the year 133 BE (Baha'i Era). Originated in Iran in 1844, Baha'i Faith was said practiced in some 300 countries. In Florida, the Naw-Ruz (the Persian name of Baha'i) festival was held. Baha'i Faith was founded by Bahá'u'lláh who was born rich but died in exile in 1892.

In 1976, Princess Margaret was amongst 12,000 tennis fans watching Chris Evert won the Wimbledon championship. Of her win, Chris made known, "I think it was just a battle of the minds, a question of who was going to hang in there longer rather than actual tennis. I've been thinking about this match all year and I just stayed in there and gutted it out. It was a matter of who was going to play the big points the better and I think I played smart tennis on the pressure points."

Back in 1974, Blythe Danner starred with Richard Chamberlain in "F.Scott Fitzgerald and 'The Last of The Belles'". Of the movie, Richard recounted, "I didn’t know a lot about Fitzgerald, except what everyone know. I hadn’t read much of his works, except 'The Great Gatsby' and 'Tender Is The Night'.

"It came up so fast I didn’t have much time to get through as much of his writing as I would have liked. I read his biography and some correspondence. He was a fascinating man. So lucid, so hard to pin down because of all the illusions he seemed to live. I don’t think he could ever cope with not being young any more. He and Zelda engaged in frantic acting to create an illusion of youth."

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