Ivan Lendl won the inaugural invitational European Community Championships (ECC) in 1982. Played in Antwerp Belgium, it was described as the world's richest indoor tennis event. Any players who won the title 3 times in any 5-year span would be awarded the 13.2 pounds gold and 1,350 diamonds (100 carats) encrusted trophy.

Ivan won the gold and diamond Cup in 1985. "The trophy will be on view to the public," Ivan announced, "and afterwards I will try to ship it to the U.S."

Of his home in Greenwich Connecticut, Ivan shared in 1986, "That's where I lived for the past 5 years. When I was a junior I came here when I was 15-and-a-half for 4 weeks. Then I was supposed to go to Costa Rica and the tournament was cancelled. I was happy. It was the first time I spent Christmas away from my family. A year later, I was away for 6 weeks and I got over (the homesickness). By 1977, I didn't have that problem anymore. And then I was a pro and I didn't have any home. Now, I get homesick when I go to Europe. That's why I come back here between the French and Wimbledon."

Ivan won his first grand slam championship in 1984 and in 1985 won his first U.S Open championship. "I can’t just describe how happy I am winning the championship of this country," Ivan said of the U.S Open. "I was trying for a long time."

"I realised," he made known in 1986, "after the French Open and Wimbledon that if I am to become a better player the difference will come not from hitting more tennis balls. It will come from becoming a better athlete."

Jimmy Connors turned 30 in 1982. "I don’t have too many years left to win what I want to win," he conceded at the time. At the 1985 U.S. Open, Jimmy Connors - then 33 defeated Stefan Edberg who was 19. "If I'm still beating people out here when I'm 48, then something is definitely wrong. Age is part of tennis. People get older and there comes a time in life when you move on to other things." he reasoned.

Of John McEnroe, Ivan expressed in 1987, "I think he will always be remembered for 2 things - his genius and his behaviour."

John made the comment in 1984, "The problem with me is that I never like to do things easily. If I’m winning easily, I bring my game down to the level of the other person. Or I let myself get angry with a linesmen. Anything to make it tougher for me. It’s really me fighting myself more than anything."

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