"Europeans and Americans have traditionally been regarded in Japan as the ultimate arbiters of modern style, good taste and the good life, a way of thinking which has been carried down from those distant days when Japan was still considerably poorer than its Western friends," James Abrams of 'Copley News Service' reported in 1977. "The demand for European and American 'talent' has in fact been so great that the foreign community in Japan often finds itself suddenly thrust into the role of model or commercial actor. Foreigners of all ages have found advertising and commercial work to be a very lucrative part–time job (from $500,000 to $1 million a year in 1988)." 

In September 1970, the 'Mainichi' newspaper asked its Japanese readers "which country their nation should model itself on?" At the time, 29% voted the United States; 29% said Switzerland; 10% Great Britain; 4% Germany; 2% Russia and 1% China. Charlton Heston who starred in the 1968 movie, 'Planet of the Apes' and the 1970 movie, 'Julius Caesar' was "the Japanese movie idol". It was understood "Japanese children are brought up on a heavy diet of American television." Some 75% of the Japanese at the time thought "that the kind of democracy imposed by the United States after World War II has worked well." 

James Abrams continued, "The influx of foreign stars began in 1969 when Charles Bronson was called upon to advertise a line of men's cosmetics. Bronson found that not only were the Japanese sponsors very generous in paying for his services but that thereafter his movies suddenly shot up in popularity among Japan's avid cinemagoers. Since then Japanese companies have actively recruited foreign stars and in turn the stars have eagerly pursued contracts with sponsors here (in Japan). 

"Exposure on TV also serves the double purpose of pulling in more customers for the star's movies or stimulating record sales. The movie market in Japan is 2nd only to the United States in the world, and as Charlton Heston said on a recent (back in 1977) promotional trip here (in Japan) the popularity of his movies in Japan very much affects the benefits he receives from acting in a picture." 

In 1974, the United States federal government changed political contribution laws by limiting personal donations to $1000. As pointed out, "The federal laws have made political activism cheap. One thousand dollars is not a lot of money in this town (Hollywood). The irony is Michael Eisner (the chairman of Walt Disney Studios in 1987) is not allowed to donate any more money than you or me." Hence Hollywood became more and more interested in the election process. 

Ronald Brownstein told the 'Los Angeles Times', "Los Angeles is the only place in America where the people attending fundraisers are a bigger draw than the candidates being honored." Irwin Winkler insisted, "Throughout the history of Hollywood, there has been a long tradition of political involvement. Part of it is the extension of the need for power which is part of the Hollywood mentality. What is more powerful than politics?" 

It was reported, "Promoters discovered that proceeds from benefit rock concerts could be donated to a candidates' coffers – each ticket is regarded as a separate contribution – and the entire proceeds from the concert were eligible for matching federal grants. With the cap on personal donations, there are more players involved here." The Hollywood Women's Political Committee was formed in 1984. Patricia Duff-Medavoy believed, "It's idealism. Celebrities want to do something bigger than themselves. Maybe they feel it's part of their civic duty, but they want to use their celebrity in a constructive way." 

Back in 1965, Kip Cooper of 'Copley News Service' reported, "Japanese husbands once were the most envied males in the world. Wives dutifully remained home while husbands entertained clients in Giesha houses and high class cabarets." However by 1965, "those days are gone forever. Modern living is causing the change." The "major reasons for the change" was said to be "in eating habits" (primarily frozen or refrigerated food including frozen fruits, frozen vegetables, frozen meat patties, frozen fried meat dishes). 

Advertising and television programs devoted to homemakers contributed significantly to the "growing Japanese consciousness" of modern living. Kip Cooper informed, "World famous advertising and television people visiting here (in Japan) from Western nations are impressed by Japanese advertising techniques. The ads are suggestive and effective. The advent of Western style supermarkets here (in Japan) also played a part in the housewife's liberation from the kitchen. Packaged food is cheaper, more sanitary and always available."

Back in August 1962, Tony Curtis wrote for United Press International, "To make a successful motion picture today (in 1962), an actor must not only produce a movie that the public will like, but he must promote it. He must reach millions of people with the message that his film is a good one. And that's where television comes in – and in a big way. More and more, moviemakers are spending greater amounts of money advertising their product on television. And more and more stars whom you haven't seen as players in television dramas are showing up as themselves on the medium to talk about their films."

In March 1960, Tony Curtis appeared on the NBC program 'The Young Juggler'. Tony made known, "Why did I do a hour-long TV film? Because after the first showing, the rights to the show revert to me. I intend to show it in theaters overseas as a feature picture. I might even do it in this country (the U.S.). We made 'The Young Juggler' for $200,000 but it has the look of an expensive picture. We shot it in color and used all the big standing sets at Universal. I know where all the good sets are, having worked on them. The show runs 51 minutes, but we can add to it with footage that was cut out. Also I plan to go back and film 4 additional scenes. That will bring it up to feature length. We did our picture in 10 days. It was scheduled for 5 days, but that was impossible. Even in 10 days, we had to keep moving like crazy. You can't make movies that way. Good movies take time and care and study."

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