"Every woman goes through the complex, sensitive, intricate spectrum of emotion – love, fear, anxiety, hate and a lot more," Stefanie Powers explained. "All simultaneously and on any given occasion. It's totally irrational but it's there."

Mother's Day, 1984: Stefanie Powers along with Maureen Stapleton and Melissa Gilbert starred in the TV movie, Family Secrets.

Stefanie wrote the story "based on families I've observed over the years who have had impasses that seemed unsolvable. These stem from problems they have resolved if they had communicated with each other. Many people lead unhappy lives because they never get to the seat of misunderstandings."

Jack Hofsiss of The Elephant Man fame directed. He insisted, "There are certain people who can comprehend the woman’s perspective better than others and in this particular instance I think it was important to have a male influence present as director to acting as a levelling effect since the film was essentially written by women and produced by women to be acted by women."

On Family Secrets, Stefanie revealed, "We do dramatize the peculiarly sensitive predicament of 3 generations of the same sex."

Jack acknowledged, "I approached the project from the perspective of parent/child relationships rather than mother/daughter. Certain elements of the story specifically reminded me of the relationship my mother had with my sister and I drew upon those memories a great deal in setting up some of the situations."

Stefanie emphasized, "It's not an easy thing for women to describe or explain to men. But there is always a sort of competition between mother and daughter, starting with the affection of the husband/father. The daughter subconsciously or unconsciously always seeks her mother's approval without seeming to do so. The relationship between them involves love, challenges, choices, taste and the authority that influences how a female perceives herself all her life."

Of the making of Family Secrets, Stefanie confessed, "This isn't the first thing I've ever written, but it is definitely the first to go into production. To get something this far you have to have credibility. I've been in this business for 25 years, and I never had the leverage before until Hart To Hart gave it to me."

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