Isaac Newton maintained, "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." In the spiritual world, Karma had been described as the law of cause and effect, the ultimate law of the universe. Karma came from the Sanskrit word meaning "action". 

The law of Karma stated, "Whatever you have coming to you is bound to catch up with you sooner or later, and you can’t sidestep it. It may be good, or it may be bad, or it may be a little of both, but it will find you, no matter how many times you have moved away without leaving your new address. And whatever it is, it will be exactly what your own actions have made you deserve. Not an ounce more, nor an ounce less, nor a fraction thereof...It comes without calling." 

Arnold J. Toynbee believed, "What the world needs above all now is to get the issue of free-enterprise versus socialism off its ideological pedestal and to treat it not as a matter of semi-religious faith and fanaticism, but as a common-sense, practical question of trial and error...The spiritual progress of individual souls in this life will in fact bring with it much more social progress than could be attained in any other way."

"It is a paradoxical," he pointed out, "but profoundly true and important principle of life that the most likely way to reach a goal is to be aiming not at the goal itself, but at some more ambitious goal beyond it." 

Arnold also made the observation, "While civilizations rise and fall, and in falling give rise to others, some purposeful enterprise, higher than theirs, may all the time by making headway, and, in a divine plan, the learning that comes through the suffering...may be the sovereign means of progress." 

Before his death in October 1975, Arnold wrote, "Man’s plundering of nature now threatens him with pollution and depletion. In so-called developed countries like those of western Europe, the United States, and the Soviet Union and Japan, growth is going to cease. They are going to find themselves in a permanent state of siege in which the material conditions of life will be at least as austere as they were during the 2 world wars. The wartime austerity was temporary, the future austerity will be perennial and it will become progressively more severe."

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