The many changes that occurred in the world around us had been described as chemical reactions. Changes such as when coal burnt to ashes, rocks crumbled to dust or the sunshine and food we consumed became muscles and energy. 

"Both inner and outer space are sprinkled with frozen forms of energy called matter," it was explained. "And the human enemy of matter is antimatter. Ordinary matter is composed of particles with positive, negative or neutral electric charges." 

Chemical reactions took place in the world of atoms (such as carbon, hydrogen and oxygen) which formed molecules (such as water). "An atom is so small that about a hundred billion, billion of them are contained in the head of a pin," it was mentioned. The atom was said comprised of protons, and in chemical reactions the molecule comprised of the atom. Positive protons and negative electrons held molecules together. 

"As a mere word," one professor observed, "'life' is interesting in the fact that it is one of those abstract terms which have no direct antithesis." The Theory of Relativity argued matter could be changed into energy, and vice versa, which was said the basis of atomic energy. 

Albert Einstein clarified, "The term 'relativity' refers to time and space. According to Galileo and (Isaac) Newton, time and space were absolute entities, and the moving systems of the universe were dependent on this absolute time and space...Till now (1919) it was believed that time and space existed by themselves, even if there was nothing else – no sun, no earth, no stars – while now we know that time and space are not the vessel for the universe, but could not exist at all if there were no contents, namely no sun, earth and other celestial bodies." 

"To begin with, the difference between my conception and Newton's Law of Gravitation," Albert Einstein added, "please imagine the earth removed, and in its place suspended a box as big as a room or a whole house, and inside a man naturally floating in the center, there being no force whatsoever pulling him. Imagine further, this box being by a rope or other contrivance, suddenly jerked to one side, which is scientifically termed 'difform motion', as opposed to 'uniform motion'. The person would then naturally reach the bottom on the opposite side. The result would consequently be the same as if he obeyed Newton's Law of Gravitation, while, in fact, there is no gravitation exerted whatsoever…It was during the development of the formulas for difform motions that the incident of the man falling from the roof gave me the idea that gravitation might be explained by difform motion."  

Albert Einstein was asked, "If there is no absolute time or space, supposedly forming the vessel of the universe, what becomes of the ether?" He responded, "There is no ether, as hitherto conceived by science, which is proved by the well known experiment of the celebrated American savant, (Albert Abraham) Michelson, showing that no influence by the motion of the earth on the ether is perceptible through change in velocity of light..."

It had been put forward in 1965, "In an anti-world, time as we know it would run backward. It is no longer possible to question the basic physics part of the cosmological conception of a literal anti-world populated by stars and planets – and made up of atoms of antimatter: negative nuclei surrounded by positive electrons. It is not possible now to disprove the grand speculation that these anti-worlds could be populated by thinking creatures – perhaps now excited by the discovery of deuterium (hydrogen)." 

In conclusion, "The world of nature constantly changes into something else."

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